
In the rapidly advancing field of CRISPR-based therapeutic development, the transition from Research-Use Only (RUO) to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) compliance presents significant challenges. Synthego’s innovative solutions are engineered specifically to address these challenges within the CRISPR RUO-to-GMP continuum. Our continuum offers unparalleled scalability, enabling researchers and developers to increase production without compromising quality. By leveraging our extensive technical and regulatory expertise, we help you mitigate the risks of delays that can hinder project timelines. Moreover, we facilitate informed decision-making by offering simplified licensing structures for CRISPR systems, crucial for successful downstream commercialization and clinical trials. With Synthego, you gain a trusted partner poised to elevate your therapeutic development aspirations.

  1. The MiniOne Electrophoresis System

    The MiniOne Electrophoresis System is redesigned from the ground up to fit the requirements of educators. By bringing together the convenient built-in power supply of Embi Tec's RunOne Electrophoresis System and the lateral blue LED illumination of the PrepOne Sapphire Illuminator, MiniOne produces reliable, research-quality results in a format that is fast, safe, and simple to use. Built-in DNA visualization provides a way to connect the technology of science with the technology that students use in their everyday lives.

  2. The MiniOne PCR System

    The MiniOne PCR System provides a fast and reliable hands-on PCR DNA amplification experience in the classroom. Students can set up reactions and program and monitor their PCR protocol on mobile tablets (iPad or Android), smartphones, and laptops - all in one classroom session. Peltier-driven heating and cooling with an optimized control algorithm completes a typical amplification protocol 50% faster than air cooled thermal cyclers. The PCR System is more than just a thermal cycler. It is also a heat block and a cold block, replacing that messy, bacteria-infested water bath. Use it for precisely-timed restriction digests, transformations, DNA extractions, or just keeping reagents at a constant temperature.

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